Newsletter 2 - December 2022
Dear Member of the Association for Mathematical Research, As 2022 nears its end, we are happy to share updates on developments at the AMR. This past year saw several milestones for our organization:
With your help and support we look forward to continued growth in services to the mathematical research community. All the above are available at no cost to authors or readers. |

AMR Publications

Reviews - Sergei Tabachnikov
We envision reviews in three categories: new results, classical results, and open problems. Some samples of the first two types of reviews can be found at AMR Reviews. “New results” may review work that is available in preprint form, but not yet published. When possible, reviews are well-illustrated and linked to our YouTube videos. |

Website, YouTube Channel and Social Media
The creation of high quality videos and animations that illuminate aspects of mathematical research is increasingly feasible for mathematicians. The AMR has created a few videos with this in mind, and these can be found at the AMR YouTube Channel at @amathr/videos. You can subscribe to this at YouTube to receive notices of new videos.
Those of you who use twitter can follow the AMR twitter feed at @AMathRes. This provides regular updates on interesting mathematical research announcements, and has over 600 followers.

A recent addition to the resources accessible through the AMR website is an “Interviews” area. This features selected interviews with mathematicians and will expand over time to include a range of interviews that feature aspects of mathematical research.

Secretary's report - Abigail Thompson
On January 11, 2022 the AMR opened its doors to general membership. Anyone can join by filling in a form available on our website. As of December, 2022 we have over 550 members.
Happy New Year from the AMR Board,
Colin Adams, |