
Videos by Area

Algebraic Geometry

Algebraic Topology

Analysis of PDEs

Applied Mathematics (general)

Category Theory

Classical Analysis and ODEs


Commutative Algebra

Complex Variables

Differential Geometry & Geometric Analysis

Dynamical Systems

Functional Analysis

General Mathematics

General Topology

Geometry & Geometric Topology

Group Theory

Harmonic Analysis

History and Overview

Information Theory

K-Theory and Homology


Mathematical Physics

Metric Geometry

Number Theory

Numerical Analysis

Operator Algebras

Optimization and Control


Quantum Algebra

Representation Theory

Rings and Algebras

Spectral Theory

Statistics Theory

Symplectic Geometry

Featured Videos

Featured videos are selected based on presentation and content quality.  They may be  accompanied by short reviews that comment on items such as the topics covered, background needed and impact of the results.


Not Knot is an introduction to the idea of hyperbolic knot complements. This 16 minute film was released in 1991 by the Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota. It was directed by Charlie Gunn and Delle Maxwell.


Conform  gives an introduction to conformal mappings of surfaces.  This 16 minute film was created by Alexander Bobenko and Charles Gunn in 2018.

Outside In

Outside IN shows how to turn a sphere inside out via a regular homotopy. The existence of such a sphere eversion was shown by Steven Smale in 1957. The film is based on a technique for construction eversions discovered by Bill Thurston. This 22 minutes long video was produced in 1995 at the Geometry Center under the direction of Silvio Levy, Delle Maxwell and Tamara Munzner.

John Milnor

Geometry of Growth and Form:
Commentary on D'Arcy Thompson

This video celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Institute for Advanced Study features a talk by John Milnor.  Milnor discusses conformal geometry and the classical work of biologist D’Arcy Thompson. 

You can use the following form to submit videos or website for this list. Videos should be freely available and useful for mathematical research.  Websites hosting relevant videos are also welcome.

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