This prize honors the work of Fred R. Cohen who made fundamental advances in a range of fields. The award will be granted every other year, starting in 2024, to a person who has made outstanding contributions in the fields of algebraic topology and homotopy theory. Nominations to a prize selection committee are welcomed. The selection process is based entirely on the quality of the research produced by the prize candidates. Candidates from anywhere in the world will be equally considered. The prize will include a cash award estimated to be around $4,000.

The Association for Mathematical Researc is pleased to announce that it will be awarding the first annual Prize in the Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence in 2024. It will be awarded for research performed in the last 10 years in mathematics relevant to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, or in AI research relevant to mathematics. The AMR believes that mathematics has a great deal to contribute to AI, conversely that AI has a great deal to contribute to mathematics, and wishes to encourage work at the interface via the establishment of this prize. The prize will include a cash award of $50,000. We are soliciting nominations, which should include a brief note describing the qualifications of the nominee as well as the research for which the prize could be awarded.