Fred R Cohen PRIZE

2024 Fred R. Cohen prize awarded to Søren Galatius

The Association for Mathematical Research has awarded the first Fred R. Cohen prize to Søren Galatius of the University of Copenhagen.

Galatius is one of the outstanding mathematicians of his generation, and  has contributed greatly to the development of algebraic topology. This includes new proofs of the Mumford conjecture on the cohomology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces, a proof of the Hatcher-Vogtmann conjecture on the cohomology of the automorphism groups of free groups, and most significantly his breakthrough work with Oscar Randal-Williams on our understanding  of high dimensional manifolds and their automorphisms that constitute some of  the most outstanding contributions to the area over the last 30 years and open up a whole new approach to the algebraic topology of manifolds.

This prize honors the work of Fred R. Cohen who made fundamental advances in a range of fields.  The award is granted every other year, starting in 2024. The prize recognizes outstanding contributions in the area of algebraic topology from the last ten years. Fred Cohen was a leading figure within algebraic topology, making outstanding contributions to the topology of configuration spaces, the study of exponents of unstable homotopy groups, homology of iterated loop spaces, among many other aspects of algebraic topology.    His influence extended far beyond his own research, in that he attracted many collaborators and mentored many younger mathematicians.

This prize honors the work of Fred R. Cohen who made fundamental advances in a range of fields.  The award will be granted every other year, starting in 2024. The prize recognizes outstanding contributions in the area of algebraic topology from the last ten years. Fred Cohen was a leading figure within algebraic topology, making outstanding contributions to the topology of configuration spaces, the study of exponents of unstable homotopy groups, homology of iterated loop spaces, among many other aspects of algebraic topology. His influence extended far beyond his own research, in that he attracted many collaborators and mentored many younger mathematicians. 

The selection process is based entirely on the quality of the research produced by the prize candidate. Candidates from anywhere in the world will be equally considered. AMR expects to award the first prize in June of 2024.  The prize is funded by a permanent endowment and includes a cash award. The initial award is expected to be approximately $4,000.


The winner of the Fred R Cohen Prize is chosen by a selection committee appointed by the AMR.  The 2024 committee is chaired by Gunnar Carlsson.

Nominations for the prize can be made by sending an email to

No specific format is required for the nomination or accompanying materials. Submitted nominations will be considered for all future prizes.

About Fred R. Cohen

Fred Cohen was one of the leading homotopy theorists and algebraic topologists in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. His work was extraordinarily broad, and his contributions to the study of homotopy groups and configuration spaces were striking advances which moved the whole field forward. His work combined hard computations with strong theoretical contributions in a way which is very rare to see.  Fred’s infectious optimism, generosity, and enthusiasm created a most positive mathematical atmosphere.