Recent Mathematical Advances Distinguished Lecture Series
October 24, 2023
9:00 AM (Los Angeles), 12:00 PM (Montreal, New York), 5:00 PM (London) 6:00 PM (Madrid, Paris) 7:00 PM (Tel-Aviv)
Chaim Goodman-Strauss
National Museum of Mathematics
Video of the lecture
The discoveries of the Hat and Spectre — single shapes that can be used to form tilings of the plane, but only can form non-periodic ones — lay to rest the longstanding question of the existence of an “aperiodic monotile” but it remains an open question: How complex can the behavior of a single shape of tile be? Can we even tell whether or not a given shape will tile the plane — is the “monotiling problem” even decidable? We’ll survey the status of several related decision and existence problems, across a range of settings, such as hyperbolic space, groups as graphs, or tilings by a single monotile.

About the speaker
Chaim Goodman-Strauss is world renowned for his work on tiling problems, including a book with JH Conway and H Burgiel, The Symmetries of Things. He currently serves as outreach mathematician for the National Museum of Mathematics (USA).
Learn More About This Topic
- Coauthor Craig S. Kaplan’s web page on An Aperiodic Monotile.
- Coauthor David Smith’s blog post.
- Simon Tatham’s essay about generating random patches.
- CP4 blog post that shows how to calculate the proportion of reflected hats.
- Blog post by James Propp.
- The article posted at containing these results.