JAMR is a Diamond Open Access journal, with no charges to authors or readers. JAMR publishes research articles in all branches of mathematics at the level of the best specialized journals. There are no strict page limits. A published article may be accompanied when appropriate by links to other media, such as repositories for code or data, notes or videos on background material, and videos of related lectures.
The journal was launched in November, 2022. The first issue was published on July 21, 2023.

Journal of Experimental Mathematics is a Diamond Open Access journal, with no charges to authors or readers. JEXPM publishes research articles in all branches of mathematics that feature experimental results with important implications. There are no strict page limits. A published article may be accompanied when appropriate by links to other media, such as repositories for code or data, notes or videos on background material, and videos of related lectures.
The journal was launched in June 2023 and is now accepting submissions.

The Journal of Open Mathematical Problems is a Diamond Open Access journal, with no charges to authors or readers. JOMP publishes articles in all branches of mathematics that describe open problems in all areas of mathematics. There are no strict page limits, but five to fifteen pages is a rough target. A published article may be accompanied when appropriate by links to other media, such as repositories for code or data, notes or videos on background material, and videos of related lectures.
The journal was launched in May 2024 and is now accepting submissions.

This journal intends to present mathematics in a manner that is understandable and interesting to mathematicians, and not confined to experts in specialized research fields. We invite articles encompassiong all formal and informal approaches to “unhide” the process of mathematical discovery.
The name of the journal is not only a dedication to the memory of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold (1937-2010), one of the most influential mathematicians of the twentieth century, but also a declaration that the journal hopes to maintain and promote the style that makes the best mathematical works by Arnold so enjoyable and which Arnold implemented in the journals where he was the editor-in-chief.
The ArMJ is published jointly by the Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS) at Stony Brook, USA, and the Association for Mathematical Research.

MDLI publishes research articles at the intersection of any branch of mathematics with data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence. MDLI is a Diamond Open Access journal, with no charges to authors or readers. A published article may be accompanied, when appropriate, by other media, including: links to github or other repositories for code or data, related notes and videos relevant to the article.
The journal was launched in February 2025 and is now accepting submissions.