Recent Titles
AMR Research Monographs Volume 4: Pavel Etingof
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
AMR Research Monographs Volume 5: Pavel Etingof
Representations of Lie Groups
AMR Monographs for the Profession
Volume 1: Dan Romik
An Invitation to MadHat and Mathematical Typesetting
Previous Titles
AMR Research Monographs Volume 1:
Dmitry Fuchs
Representations of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
AMR Research Monographs Volume 2:
Anton Petrunin
PIGTIKAL (puzzles in geometry that I know and love)
AMR Research Monographs
Volume 3: L Reeves, P Scott and G A Swarup
JSJ Decompositions of Poincare Duality Pairs
Managing Editors
- Colin Adams
- Eric Friedlander
- Sergei Tabachnikov
Editorial Committee
- George Andrews
- Colin Adams
- Eric Friedlander
- Robert Ghrist
- Joel Hass
- Robion Kirby
- Alex Kontorovich
- Sergei Tabachnikov
How to Submit
Proposed books can be submitted by contacting any member of the AMR Books Editorial Committee. Accepted books will be distributed at no cost on the AMR website.
Topics and Scope
Submitted books should be centered on mathematical research at a level suitable for graduate students or research mathematicians. A high level of expository clarity is required. AMR anticipates that the books program will also provide professional translations of important texts that have appeared in languages other than English.
Authors retain copyright and grant permission to post and distribute to the AMR.
Corrections and updated versions may be posted periodically. Original versions will remain accessible, with the most current version displayed.
Printed Versions
Authors may create and distribute printed versions of the book. See for example this article on Self-Publishing in Mathematics.