AMR News
The first general members meeting of the AMR was held online on April 11, 2024. A video can be found at the link.
AMR-RMA Lectures - The AMR Launches new Lecture Series
March 14, 2023
The AMR is pleased to announce the launch of a new series of online lectures, the AMR-RMA Recent Mathematical Advances Distinguished Lecture Series. Lectures will cover interesting developments in all of mathematics. Please sign up at the AMR-RMA Distinguished Lectures website to receive notifications about upcoming lectures.
The first lecture will be held on March 30, 2023. Svetlana Jitomirskaya of UC Irvine and Ga Tech will speak on “Multiplicative Jensen’s formula, dual Lyapunov exponents, and global theory of one-dimensional analytic quasiperiodic operators“. The lecture will be held on Zoom. For details, and to register for a zoom link to the talk, please go to AMR-RMA S. Jitomirskaya Lecture.
The Scientific Committee for the AMR-RMA Lectures consists of Anna Felikson, Durham University, UK; Daniel Peralta Salas, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain; Iosif Polterovich, Université de Montréal, Canada and Leonid Polterovich, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
AMR announces new Diamond Open Access journal
The AMR is pleased to announce our first journal, the Journal of the Association for Mathematical Research, or JAMR. JAMR is a Diamond Open Access journal, with no charges to authors or readers.
JAMR aims to publish research articles in all branches of mathematics at the level of the best specialized journals. There are no strict page limits. A published article may be accompanied when appropriate by links to other media, such as repositories for code or data, notes or videos on background material, and videos of related lectures. We invite you to visit JAMR’s website at, and we welcome submissions.

Publish your book with the AMR:
We encourage authors to submit book-length manuscripts in either preliminary or final form. Proposals will be reviewed by the AMR Book Series Editorial Committee and can be submitted to any member of this committee. Accepted books will be distributed at no cost on the AMR Books page.
AMR Launches Books Program
October 11, 2022.
The Association for Mathematical Research is pleased to announce the publication of the first two books in the AMR Research Monograph Series. Books in this series are available at no cost from January 2022 Newsletter
January 31, 2022
See what’s been going on at the AMR. The first newsletter is now available at Newsletter 1.
AMR Colloquia Series Working Group: Jan 22, 2022
The AMR has formed a working group to develop a colloquia series. The members of this working group are
- Craig Evans, UC Berkeley
- Henri Darmon, McGill University
- Susan Friedlander, University of Southern California (Chair)
- Mark Goresky, Institute for Advanced Study
- Eva Miranda, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Centre de Recerca Matemática in Barcelona
Our goal is to explore and use technologies in the virtual academic realm to bring exciting mathematical lectures with related material to an international audience.
AMR YouTube channel : Dec 1, 2021
The AMR has launched its YouTube channel, with an initial “video review” that serves as preparation / motivation for the corresponding written review.
Subscribe for notifications about new videos.
ANNOUNCEMENT : Nov 14, 2021
We welcome our initial members and thank the many mathematicians from around the world who have shared messages of encouragement and interest.
In the months to come we look forward to saying more about our initial projects. These efforts, currently being organized by working groups, focus on new forms of mathematical communication, taking advantage of emerging technologies. Exciting opportunities are available in this area.
As our organization grows and we have more to offer, we will reach out to the mathematical societies across the world that share our goals of supporting mathematical research and scholarship and look for ways to work together. We greatly appreciate the work they have done and continue to do in this shared mission.
While started in North America, the AMR has many members across the globe, and we plan to look worldwide both for leadership and activities.
At the moment we are an all-volunteer organization, and our projects will thus progress deliberately. Among our challenges is developing methods for managing and tracking membership and projects. We expect to have this sorted out in the coming months, and look forward to then opening our membership to all who share our vision of supporting mathematical research and scholarship. That is our simple goal and purpose.
The AMR welcomes all members of the broad mathematical community to join us in the near future. We look forward to bright days ahead for mathematics.